Terms and conditions

Permanent membership: The founding Board of the Association and all individuals who have at least a specialized degree in orthodontics can join the Association according to the criteria mentioned in this statute.
Note: The orthodontic specialty degree documents of applicants who have graduated from abroad are accepted after evaluation by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education, or Ministry of Health, Treatment and Medical Education.
Affiliate membership: Individuals who meet the following conditions can become members of the Association:
A- All those who have a specialty degree in one of the fields of orthodontics, pediatrics, maxillofacial surgery, ENT, and plastic surgery.
B- All individuals who have completed a specialized orthodontic course in one of the universities in or outside the country, but their specialized degree has not been evaluated by the relevant Ministry.
Honorary membership: Iranian and foreign personalities whose scientific, cultural and social status is of special importance or who have made effective and valuable contributions in advancing the goals of the Association can be accepted as honorary members.

Note 1: Affiliated members can be elected as permanent members by fulfilling the conditions and by approval of the Board of Directors.

Note 2: The permanent members of the Association must have the conditions of the founding Board and the Board of Directors mentioned in Article 7 of the by-laws on how to form and describe the duties of the commission. Each member of the Association pays an annual fee as a membership fee, the amount of which is determined by the Board of Directors and approved by the General Assembly.
Each member of the Association annually pays the amount determined by the Board of Directors and approved by the General Assembly as a membership fee.

Note 1: Payment of the membership fee does not create any rights and claims to the assets of the Association.
Note 2: The rules for the number of permanent members of the Association will be the number of registrants in the same year, and therefore only persons are allowed to participate in the Board elections who have paid the approved membership fee up to the same year.

Membership Termination

Written resignation of the member

Failure to pay the annual membership fee within the deadline set by the Board of Directors.

The failure in one of the conditions of membership as well as definitive conviction in the primary and higher disciplinary boards of the medical system organization pertaining to temporary or permanent exclusion from employment in the medical profession.

Carrying out any action or activity that is contrary to the affairs of the specialized orthodontic profession, such as providing unauthorized orthodontic training and unrealistic advertisements, etc., as determined by the Board of Directors.

The period of suspension of membership is equal to the period of exclusion from employment in the medical profession.

The final decision regarding non-acceptance and termination of membership will be made after notification and approval of the Board of Directors based on the subject of paragraph 7 of article 3 of the by-laws.

Necessary documents for registration

1- Copy of one’s identity card

2- Copy of one’s private office licensure

3- Two 4 X 3 color photos

4- Email address

5- Office address

6- Home address

7- Office phone number

8- Home phone number

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